Scheme wise Financial Summary
As on 05-02-2025 15:13
S.No. Scheme Name Total Allocation (Cr.) DAPSC Allocation (Cr.) % DAPSC Allocation w.r.t. Total Allocation Revised Allocation (Cr.) % Revised Allocation w.r.t. Total Allocation Expenditure (Cr.) % Expenditure w.r.t. Revised Allocation
1 Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine 228.05 4.5 1.97 % 0 0 % 3.375 0 %
2 Central Council for Research in Homeopathy 144 3 2.08 % 0 0 % 3 0 %
3 Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences 413.54 11.04 2.67 % 0 0 % 8.28 0 %
4 Other Autonomous Bodies
» Support from Gross Budgetary Support (GBS)
743.92 1 0.13 % 0 0 % 0.75 0 %
5 National AYUSH Misson 1200 112.5 9.38 % 0 0 % 82.4066 0 %
6 Central Sector Scheme for Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants 49.49 1 2.02 % 0 0 % 0 0 %
Total 2779 133.04 4.79 % 0 0 % 97.8116 0 %